Superlongevity Without Overpopulation
Belgium, or Japan. Lomborg also notes that Ohio and
Denmark are more densely populated than Indonesia. [3]
We should also recognize that most population growth
takes place in urban areas, which provide a better standard of
living. As a result, most of this planets landmass will not be
more densely populated than it is today. Over the next three
decades, we can expect to see almost no change in the rural
population of the world and, by 2025, 97% of Europe will
be less densely populated than today. [8] We should celebrate
the urbanization trend since even the urban poor thrive better
than they would in the country. The causes of this include
better water supplies, sewage systems, health services, edu-
cation, and nutrition. [9] Oddly enough, serious infectious
diseases like malaria are less threatening the closer buildings
are together (and so the smaller the space for swampy areas
beloved of mosquitoes and flies). [10]
The future could be far brighter than the eco-doomsters
have long portrayed it. As Ronald Bailey [11] reports:
Jesse Ausubel, director of the Program for the Human
Environment at Rockefeller University, believes the 21st
century will see the beginning of a Great Restoration
as humanitys productive activities increasingly with-
draw from the natural world.
If world farmers come to match the typical yield of todays
US corn growers, ten billion people could eat amply while
requiring only half of todays cropland. This is one way in
which technological advance in farming will allow vast
expanses of land to revert to nature. Transgenic crops could